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8 Aug 2024

Reconciliation Resource – Culture is Life

Image supplied by Culture is Life

We’re excited to feature Culture is Life’s education resources, a comprehensive collection designed to build environments that are better informed, have a deeper awareness and ensure young people and communities are valued. These resources contribute to global knowledge and positively impact the health and wellbeing of this and future generations.

Culture is Life is an Aboriginal-led not-for-profit organisation with a belief that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people have the right to thrive and flourish. Strong in knowing who they are, where they come from and who they are connected to.

The Australian Wars Resources

Award winning documentary series, The Australian Wars, directed and presented by Rachel Perkins, educates Australians about the true histories of our nation, with a focus on the Frontier Wars. In recognition of the documentary’s immense educational value, Blackfella Films and SBS Learn collaborated with Culture is Life to produce extensive curriculum aligned resources for year levels 10-12, freely accessible on Culture is Life’s website. Classroom-ready short clips with aligned resources for year levels 9-12 can be accessed also on the SBS Learn platform. 

The Australian Wars Education Resources delve into the documentary, exploring the ongoing impacts of colonisation and highlighting diverse historical perspectives. They offer insights into the immense value of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander oral histories, with a focus on local truth-telling, and encourage schools to engage with their local communities for further learning opportunities. Recognising the sensitivity of the content and its potential to evoke strong emotions, every effort has been made to incorporate duty of care, cultural care and cultural safety into the design and guided application of the resource. This critical work of change, justice and healing is hoped to be carried forward by all partners.

Register for our Teaching the Australian Wars: A conversation with Rachel Perkins and Culture is Life on-demand webinar to reflect on your knowledge of the Australian Wars. We talk to Director Rachel Perkins, and Culture is Life General Manager – Programs, Thara Brown about the award-winning documentary series and the accompanying education resources.

Be sure to watch The Australian Wars documentary series and engage with the Narragunnawali Teaching the Australian Wars Professional Learning Resource as part of your preparation before incorporating further teaching and learning about the series into the classroom with students and young people.


Culture is Life has also launched the #HealOurHistory Campaign to amplify The Australian Wars Education & Impact Project in partnership with Blackfella Films and SBS. This campaign builds on years of work in education and campaigning, connecting audiences with tools to learn about our shared history and heal from its continuing impacts. The campaign is rooted in an ethic of cultural care and truth-telling, acknowledging that the content shared may evoke strong emotions in viewers. The campaign launch highlights the voices of First Nations and non-Indigenous young people, sharing their stories of lived experiences in school, reflections on The Australian Wars documentary series, history and truth-telling, January 26th and the Stolen Generations while emphasising messages of strength.

The #HealOurHistory campaign aims to ignite conversations around history and truth-telling, offering young peoples’ personal reflections of our education system including experiences of racism and its impacts. The campaign also features recorded conversations with a diverse range of adults working with young people in a variety of educational and cultural settings around Australia. These conversations aim to inspire courageous actions towards systemic change that directly and positively impact our young people for future generations. Culture is Life is committed to ensuring young people and Aboriginal communities are valued and heard, and believes that facing the truth of violent and disruptive histories since invasion is not easy, but is necessary for healing.

NAIDOC WEEK 2024 Resources

Culture is Life, in partnership with the NAIDOC Committee and ABC Education, launched the official NAIDOC Week 2024 Education Resources. This year’s theme, ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Loud, Blak, and Proud,’ celebrates the vitality and endurance of culture, connection with Country and community, and an unapologetic celebration of identity. The resources, designed for Levels F-10 and aligned with the Australian Curriculum, were overseen by NAIDOC Committee Co-Chair, Associate Professor Lynette Riley, AO, and written by experienced educators from Culture is Life. These resources will assist all Australian teachers in meaningfully introducing this year’s NAIDOC Week theme to students and their school communities. These resources can live on beyond NAIDOC Week, supporting further learning and action, ensuring we ‘keep the fire burning’ beyond this annual event.

The NAIDOC Week 2024 Education Resources include discussions and activities for older students to learn about and honour the lives of the Elders and senior Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have blazed the way. They also provide guidance for early childhood and early primary educators to imagine a freedom of spirit and Country where possibilities to create space — through the imagination of children — can foster the strength of children. The resources address two distinct needs outlined in the Australian Curriculum and supported by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority:

  • ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students see themselves, their identities and their cultures reflected in the curriculum
  • engaging all students in reconciliation, respect, and recognition of the world’s oldest continuous living cultures.

Incorporate these resources as part of your commitment to the ‘Teach about Days of National Significance’ and/or ‘Celebrate Days of National Significance’ Narragunnawali RAP Actions.

To access and stay informed about the wider suite of Culture is Life resources, you can sign up to create a free account now:
