Kinburra Preschool

Early learning service
July 2024 to July 2025

Our vision for reconciliation is strengthening the relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians for the benefit of all. We believe working towards reconciliation involves a commitment to continued learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures and histories and acknowledging ongoing injustices  to work together towards a better more just future. We intend to put this into practice by being culturally responsive including a genuine commitment to take action against racism and discrimination in any form. We aim to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives in all aspects of our curriculum and working collaboratively and respectfully with culturally and linguistically diverse First Nations children and families.  

In the context of our Preschool, we are committed to working in respectful ways with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities and will do this by 


committing to further learning and development of knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures.  

We acknowledge our RAP is a continuous process and we will grow individually, as a team and as a preschool. Our commitment reflects our values and respect for diversity, inclusion, and advocating the rights of First Nations children and their families. It is our goal that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are included respectfully and encompass all peoples’ experiences of being, belonging and becoming. In support of reconciliation, our preschool strives to create a sense of belonging for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and remains committed to sourcing and attending learning opportunities to increase staff and community knowledge of the true histories of Australia and the longstanding and continuing contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  
