Freckles Kindy and Learning Centre

Early learning service
July 2024 to July 2025

We consider it our mission to ensure we cultivate an environment where all Australians value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, and ways of knowing, being and doing. We are committed to meaningfully including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in everyday practice and all learning areas. Additionally, we will include reconciliation within our education, throughout the environment, in pedagogies, practices and engagement with the community. We also maintain the importance of ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families celebrate their positive cultural identities and that they can see themselves reflected in our centre. 

At Freckles Kindy and Learning Centre Highfields we understand and acknowledge that our country’s history is characterised by land disposition, intentional marginalisation, massacres, violence and overt and unapologetic racism. We understand that colonisation bought with it policies and practices to segregate, assimilate and take away Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights, including the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. We are saddened and grieved by the past wrongs and injustices and through our actions and attitudes we will ensure that these wrongs are not repeated. 

We acknowledge that these past wrongs and injustices continue to contribute negatively and cause disadvantage and poorer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. We are committed to equality and equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our community and beyond. We are committed to fostering principles of reconciliation and ensuring equity of access to high quality early education services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families. 

All staff and management of Freckles Kindy Highfields are dedicated to reconciliation within our everyday practice and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples towards a brighter future. 
