Flinders Early Learning Centre

RAP Network connections acknowledge collaborative relationships with other schools/services on their RAP journeys. Where these schools/services also have a published RAP, you can click on their name below to view a summary of their reconciliation commitments.

Early learning service
July 2024 to July 2025

At Flinders Early Learning Centre (FELC), our heartfelt vision for reconciliation on Kabi Kabi Country centers on nurturing young people through an inclusive and respectful approach. We acknowledge the profound connection the Kabi Kabi people have with their Land, culture, and traditions. We are committed to:

  • Cultural Recognition and Respect: We respectfully include learning about Kabi Kabi culture, stories, and traditions into our daily activities. We encourage regular connections with Elders. 
  • Culturally Inclusive Curriculum: Our curriculum incorporates Kabi Kabi arts and environmental knowledge. We emphasise outdoor education, connecting children with the natural environment of Kabi Kabi Country, promoting a deep appreciation and respect for the Land. 
  • Storytelling and Emotional Support: We create spaces for storytelling where children hear from Kabi Kabi community members and share their own experiences. We provide support for children and families to discuss historical and contemporary issues related to reconciliation with sensitivity and care. 
  • Inclusive Policies and Sustainable Practices: Our policies reflect a commitment to equity, equality and inclusion. We implement sustainable practices that honour Kabi Kabi principles of caring for Country, teaching children about conservation and environmental stewardship. 
  • Community Engagement and Collaborative Projects: We foster strong relationships with the Kabi Kabi community through regular events and collaborative projects. We engage families and community members in the life of our centre, building a supportive and inclusive environment. At FELC, we are dedicated to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for children, where they grow into respectful and knowledgeable Custodians of the Land. By embedding the values of respect, understanding, and care for Country in their early education, we aim to build a future where reconciliation is a lived reality.
