Goodstart CDU

RAP Network connections acknowledge collaborative relationships with other schools/services on their RAP journeys. Where these schools/services also have a published RAP, you can click on their name below to view a summary of their reconciliation commitments.

Early learning service
July 2024 to July 2025

We at Goodstart Early Learning CDU would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians, the Larrakia People, on whose Land our centre stands. We promise to care about the Land, the people, and the animals.

Goodstart CDU’s vision for reconciliation is a reconciled Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this country are treated with equity, equality, dignity and respect. We aspire to see the oldest continuing cultures in the world valued as part of our shared national identity, and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples contributions and histories to be fully and actively valued by all Australians. We aim to build respectful relationships between our service and local First Nations peoples and model a just, equal and equitable community. We will do this through fostering respect, knowledge and understanding. We will continue to promote an appreciation for cultural diversity, including the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures.

We strive to be a responsive, safe and inclusive hub for all families. Our learning and development programs are enriched with First Nations cultural celebrations and show respect and safety for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We aspire to include First Nations perspectives in our curriculum planning and learning environments to enrich the understanding of Country.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan, (RAP), details how Goodstart CDU is committed to fostering equal and equitable education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

The plan follows Reconciliation Australia’s well-established pillars of relationships, respect and opportunities, which aligns with our own values of respect, compassion, resilience, perseverance and celebration of diversity.
